(Baonghean.vn) - In the morning of July 26th, in Giai Xuan commune of Tan Ky, Department of Economics - Ministry of Defense has presented friendship-houses for poor families.

In this session, there are 3 nominees including Mrs. Truong Thi Nhep habited in Doi Che hamlet, Giai Xuan commune; Mr. Le Van Thai habited in hamlet 3, Nghia Hop commune; and Mr. Vi Van Tho habited in Van Som hamlet, Dong Van commune. Up to now, most of the houses have been basically well constructed and taken into use.
Each house is supported 70 million VND, and at the same time, Department of Economics – Ministry of Defense and Military Executive Committee of Tan Ky have also gifted 6 million VND to each family for goods purchase.
This is one of meaningful activities of Department of Economics – Ministry of Defense in order to celebrate the 69th Remembrance Day. It also contributes to reduce the financial pressure that these political poor families have been facing in daily life.
Reporter:Phuong Thao(Tan Ky TV)
Translator:Phuong Thu